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1Czech Literary Samizdat Bibliography
Info: Nové obzory [samizdat] -- R. 1989, č. [5], s. [59]
Annotation: Úryvek úvah o svobodném tisku a jeho roli ve společnosti.
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2Current Bibliography (since 1945)
Published: Praha : Svoboda, 1977.
Annotation: Výbor (z ruštiny, němčiny a francouzštiny přeložil kolektiv) obsahuje mj. uvedené stati.
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3Current Bibliography (since 1945)
Published: Praha : Svoboda, 1975.
Annotation: Výbor statí; uspořádal a z ruštiny a němčiny přeložil kolektiv.
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4Current Bibliography (since 1945)
5Czech Literary Samizdat Bibliography
Info: Objekt [samizdat] -- Sv. 3, 1958, s. [247]-[257]
Annotation: Konvolut textů – výňatků a citátů.
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6Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
7Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
8Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
9Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
10Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
11Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
12Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
13Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
14Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
15Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945