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41Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
42Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
43Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
44Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
45Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
46Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
47Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
48Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
49Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
50Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
Info: Lidové noviny -- Roč. 43, 1935, č. 571, 15. 11., s. 1–2
Annotation: Otištění dopisu M. A. Šimáčkovi (datováno Diváky, 13. 7. 1890) o jeho románu; s útoky proti realistické kritice Času.
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51Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
Info: Prager Presse -- Roč. 15, 1935, č. 15, 14. 4., příl. Welt am Sonntag, s. 4–5
Annotation: Kresby Ferdiše Duši.
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52Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
53Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
54Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
55Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
56Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
57Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
58Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
59Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
60Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945