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1Current Bibliography (since 1945)
Published: Praha : Národní divadlo, 2023.
Annotation: Divadelní program k inscenaci dramatu „Naši furianti“ L. Stroupežnického; s uvedenými texty.
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2Current Bibliography (since 1945)
Info: Stroupežnický, Ladislav. -- Naši furianti : Stroupežnický -- S. 28–36
Annotation: Úryvek úvahy obsahující motivaci k sepsání dramatu „Naši furianti“, zdůrazněna je znalost vesnického života a inspirace v dramatech J. K. Tyla;...
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3Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
4Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
5Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
6Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
7Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
8Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
9Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
10Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
11Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
12Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
13Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
14Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
15Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
16Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
17Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
18Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945
19Almanacs, Calendars, and Yearbooks in the Czech Lands 1801–1945
Info: Divadelní kalendář -- Roč. 6, 1887, s. 35–37
Annotation: Citáty významných osobností české kultury a divadla.
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20Retrospective Bibliography of Czech Literature 1770–1945